Maintaining Weight Loss Is Harder Than Losing It

Many people have this widely circulated misconception that once they have achieved the desired weight, the journey from fat to fit is over and they need not embark on the journey of Thousand Oaks Weight Loss again. The truth, however, is completely opposite to this misguided notion. If you have achieved your desired weight, you can say that the journey to a healthy body and healthy mind has just begun and you need to sustain it over a period of time. It is also true that losing weight is tough and maintaining your weight is even tougher.

How To Lose Weight And Maintain It

If you change your approach to weight loss, you can be more successful in losing it. Often, most people who are trying to lose weight focus only on one and that is weight loss, weight loss, and weight loss. This diverts their attention away from other important aspects of weight loss management that also contribute significantly in weight loss program. You should also begin to eat healthy and balanced diet, become more physically active, and learn to change behaviors so that you can lose weight as per your expectations. With time, such changes will become routine and part of your daily life.

Setting Weight Loss Goals

You should set realistic Thousand Oaks Weight Loss goals to lower the risk of heart disease and other conditions. Losing 1/2 pounds per week is a realistic weight loss goal that also keeps you on the safer side. Remember that slow and steady wins the race rather than trying too many things in too little time and ending up exhausting yourself. It is better to maintain a modest weight loss and maintain it when compared to losing a lot of weight and regaining it. Try to lose 10 percent of your body weight and maintain it for the period of 6 months and then think of loosing additional weight.

Keeping A Balance

Maintaining a healthy weight loss asks for keeping a lot of balance of energy. You must maintain a healthy balance you get from the food and drinks you consume to keep your body going and stay physically active. Avoid sugary drinks, oiled and fried food, pre-processed food, and include wholesome food and less-calorie drinks in your diet routine. Increase or decrease in energy intake for a period of time leads to increase or decrease in weight gain respectively.

A Healthy Diet Plan

A healthy diet plan nourishes your body with nutrients it needs everyday to  let your body function normally. It will also lower the risk of preventing from high blood cholesterol, heart diseases, and other health conditions that pose a significant risk to your physical and mental health. A healthy diet plan includes fruits, vegetables, wholesome grains, low-fat milk, sugar free beverages, protein food products and items, low-fat food, and much more. Stress is also laid on controlled portion sizes for controlled intake.

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